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Our strategy

A future where everyone has access to a healthy, sustainable diet.

Health inequalities in United Kingdom are pronounced, and the links between deprivation and poor-quality diets are clear. Put simply, we advocate for change across food systems to create a future where everyone can access a healthy, sustainable diet.


We do this though working together with academics, government, third sector organisations, food industry stakeholders and our members, and also by supporting the consumer knowledge, skills and motivation that can contribute to meaningful and measurable behavioural change.


We believe that improvements to the food environment can be achieved when executed together with organisations and institutions well placed to deliver change at scale.


Alan Black, British Nutrition Foundation

Our strategy for 2023 – 2028

Focusses on three levers of change:

A man looking at a food item in the supermarket. He is pushing a trolley and standing in front of a bank of freezers

Educating people

A blurred image of the digital menu in a fast food outlet

Changing the food environment

An image of two female scientists in lab coats, smiling

Advocating science and building consensus

British Nutrition Foundation strategy 2023-28

A future where everyone has a healthy, sustainable diet.

Our ambition is that by 2028, we will have doubled our reach and evidenced our contribution to healthier, more  sustainable diets by demonstrating both our impact on the food environment and on consumer knowledge, skills and motivation, and so contribute to changing behaviour.

Our funding comes from: membership subscriptions, grant providing bodies, trusts & other charities, and industry projects that contribute to meaningful change to the food environment.


The British Nutrition Foundation does not lobby or endorse products, nor do we allow commercial or political pressure to influence us when publishing or disseminating information. We safeguard our impartiality through strong governance. Membership of our Board of Trustees, Advisory Committee and Scientific Committee is weighted heavily towards the scientific community, with limited membership from other stakeholder audiences.


The Scientific Committee provides an additional layer of scrutiny to our positions on key issues.

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Please note that advice provided on our website about nutrition and health is general in nature. We do not provide any individualised advice on prevention, treatment and management for patients or their family members.