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Ethical Policy


The British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) is a registered charity (charity number 251681, Scotland SC040061) which has the following objects:

  • to advance the education of the public and those involved in the training and education of others, in nutrition, and
  • to advance the study of and research into nutrition for the public benefit, and to disseminate and publish the useful results of such research.


We want a future where everyone has a healthy, sustainable diet.

The barriers to this are complex; the affordability of healthy, sustainable food; a food environment that fails to promote healthier, more sustainable options, and poor food literacy particularly amongst the most vulnerable. As a charity, we will focus on where the need is greatest.


  • Purpose We are focused on delivering our mission and constantly aiming to learn and improve.
  • Integrity We are science-led and authentic in our commitment to improve health and wellbeing. We are honest and transparent about our work and how it is funded.
  • Confidence We aspire to make our voice heard in order to make a difference. We respond to the challenges that get in the way of everyone being able to eat healthily and sustainably.
  • Connection We work collaboratively with a range of stakeholders to deliver our charitable aims and amplify our impact.
  • Openness We are welcoming and want everybody to feel valued and supported. We communicate honestly and are open to criticism.

Protecting our independence

The Board of Trustees oversees the Foundation and ensures not only that the charity delivers against its charitable aims but that it is impartial, transparent and acts with integrity.

As an independent organisation, a majority of the members of the Board of Trustees, Advisory Committee and Scientific Committee may not have any personal financial interest in the commercial food industry. Such members, who are drawn from diverse areas of public life (for example, from the academic scientific community, education, health, communication, HR and finance) are known as the ‘independent trustees or members’. Board decisions may be taken only when supported by a majority of the Foundation’s independent trustees.

All Board and Committee members and members of the senior leadership team are required to sign a declaration of interests which is updated annually. Declarations of interest are taken at every Board and Committee meeting.

BNF’s reputation, credibility and charitable status depend upon the absolute impartiality of the authoritative and evidence-based information it produces and disseminates. In every activity, BNF will strive to ensure that we present best evidence and, wherever possible, the strength of this evidence will be communicated to the target audience.

The Foundation’s journal Nutrition Bulletin is a peer-reviewed publication with an international Editorial Advisory Board.

Our core purpose is to make nutrition science accessible, working with the public and with stakeholders in academia, education, the food sector and others, to deliver content and programmes of work that engage a range of audiences.

Our website is accredited by the Patient Information Forum ‘TICK’ scheme. This requires the health information we provide to be evidence-based and referenced, where appropriate, and to be reviewed on a regular cycle to ensure it is up to date. BNF will not accede to any pressure to publish or disseminate information favourable to a particular sector, company, or product, nor will BNF suppress the publication and dissemination of information because it is unfavourable to a particular company or sector.

BNF will work with government agencies and industry to further its objects, but it is not a lobbying organisation and will not take commercial or political pressures into account when publishing or disseminating information. Our information, advice, educational materials and training are based on the latest evidence base in nutrition science and in other relevant fields of scientific study.

BNF seeks to maintain a broad funding base from a variety of sources. These include national or international government departments and agencies; conferences, publications and training; membership subscriptions; donations and project grants from food producers and manufacturers, retailers and food service companies; grant providing bodies, trusts and other charities. The Foundation has procedures in place to ensure transparency of funding.

A list of corporate members is published on the BNF website and in our Annual Report. Applications for corporate membership of the Foundation require the approval of the Board of Trustees. New members are required to sign to indicate that they will abide by this ethical policy.

BNF does not endorse any products or engage in food advertising campaigns. However, we recognise that our brand has significant value and have put in place policies to protect our independence by restricting the use of our name and logo. The BNF logo may not be applied to specific brands or products marketed by any company or member who has provided funding or other benefit to the Foundation, nor will BNF allow its logo to be used to confer an endorsement of specific products, brands or companies. In any agreement signed with another organisation, BNF retains the right to approve any use of its name or its logo.

Our Annual Report is published on the BNF website and submitted for publication to The Charity Commission and to Companies House.

Our investment policy

The British Nutrition Foundation's Investment Policy is reviewed regularly by its Finance, Audit & Risk Committee, chaired by the charity’s Treasurer. It states that:

“Although generally the interests of the Foundation are best served by seeking to obtain a sound financial return from a suitably diverse portfolio of investments, the Investment Manager will have due regard to not investing in those assets which could be detrimental to the objectives and aims of the Foundation. The Foundation operates an ethical investment policy which is to avoid, where possible, investment in areas contentious with the objects of the Foundation. The Trustees have agreed that this currently means excluding direct investment in companies whose predominant activities are in gaming, tobacco, pornography and armaments.”


Contact information

British Nutrition Foundation
New Derwent House
69-73 Theobalds Road

Phone: 020 7557 7930

Registered charity No.251681
A charity registered in Scotland – SC040061 251681
Registered in England as a company limited by guarantee No. 898651