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Healthy Eating Week

Healthy Eating Week is now... Snack-tember!

We’re making a change! Our usual Healthy Eating Week is being transformed into a month-long event.


In September 2025, we’ll be celebrating… Snack-tember!


The aim of Snack-tember is to help children and young people have healthier snacks.


If you're looking for resources from Healthy Eating Week 2024, you can still access these below.

Healthy Eating Week 2024

In 2024, we encouraged everyone, including early years settings, schools, workplaces and community groups, to ‘Give it a go’.


All the resources for each theme, plus posters and recipes from the Week, are still available to download below.

We are grateful to Lidl, Ocado, Tesco, and Waitrose & Partners for supporting Healthy Eating Week 2024.


Healthy Eating Week is one of our flagship education programmes, engaging schools, teachers and children with the importance of eating healthily and sustainably each June since 2013.


Claire Theobald, Education Services Manager, British Nutrition Foundation

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