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Response to the BMJ

5th December 2024

British Nutrition Foundation response to BMJ article


In the article Food industry has infiltrated UK children’s education: stealth marketing exposed, the BMJ makes reference to British Nutrition Foundation’s education programme, funding and governance.


As a team of nutrition scientists and educators, operating since 1967, we are committed to promoting health and wellbeing and preventing diet-related ill health through evidence-based nutrition science. 


Food – a fact of life is run and managed by the British Nutrition Foundation, in partnership with the Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board (AHDB). The programme covers healthy eating, cooking and where food comes from, and is based on the food education curricula for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


The content is developed by qualified teachers and nutrition scientists, based on government guidance on healthy eating and does not reference any food brands or companies. The programme is reviewed by independent Education Working Groups, which advise on curriculum developments and give practical review and advice.


We note that the article did not identify any issues or inaccuracies with the content of the Food – a fact of life programme.


Ultimately, the aim of the programme is to improve children’s health and wellbeing by making sure they get the best food education possible. We are proud to support the great work being done by teachers around the UK to inspire them to make healthier choices in our challenging food environment.


The British Nutrition Foundation provides a bridge between nutrition science, government, industry, healthcare, education and people.  Only by working with all these stakeholders and providing them with access to the latest scientific evidence, can we fulfil our purpose as a conduit to a healthier, more sustainable food environment for all.


Our impartiality is governed and safeguarded by our Board of Trustees, Advisory Committee and Scientific Committee, members of which are weighted towards the scientific community. Our Scientific Committee provides an additional layer of scrutiny, based on scientific evidence, around our position on key nutrition science issues.

About the British Nutrition Foundation

Connecting people, food and science for better nutrition and healthier lives


The British Nutrition Foundation is a registered charity that provides impartial, evidence-based information about food and nutrition. We translate nutrition science in engaging and actionable ways, working extensively with people in academia, health care, education, communications and the food system, for public benefit.


We safeguard our independence through robust governance, with an independent Board supported by an Advisory Committee and a Scientific Committee, both of which draw upon a broad range of experts from academia, government, industry, and public life. Our governance is weighted towards the scientific community, universities, and research institutes, and those from education, finance, media, communications, and HR backgrounds.


Funding for the British Nutrition Foundation is from membership subscriptions; donations; project grants from food producers and manufacturers, retailers and food service companies; conferences; publications, training, trusts, and foundations. The British Nutrition Foundation is not a lobbying organisation, nor does it endorse any products or engage in food advertising campaigns.


More details about the British Nutrition Foundation’s work, funding and governance can be found here.