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Celebrating our wartime food heroes

2019 marks the 75th anniversary of D-Day and the British Nutrition Foundation is commemorating this by looking at wartime food heroes.

Celebrating our wartime food heroes

2019 marks the 75th anniversary of D-Day and the British Nutrition Foundation is commemorating this by looking at wartime food heroes. With the passage of time, sadly many of the people who had personal experience of wartime have died, but their experiences can live on through memories of aspects of their lives.

Part of what they experienced was the effect the war had on food availability and the challenges this created for British people during and for some time after the war. Nutrition knowledge today owes much to the work done during this time on nutritional requirements and how these could be provided to everyone in the population at a time when many foods were scarce.

To mark the occasion, the British Nutrition Foundation has produced a series of 6 Celebrating our wartime food heroes postcards, including Conquering Carrots, Saluting The Spud, Woolton Pie, Waste Not Want Not, The National Loaf and Dig For Victory.