Male fertility
We aim to give people access to reliable science-based information about healthy, sustainable diets.
Male fertility
Diet can affect male fertility - eating a healthy, balanced diet with variety and reducing alcohol intake can improve sperm quality and increase the chances of you and your partner conceiving.
Healthy weight
Being underweight or overweight can reduce your chances of conceiving therefore ideally, men should try to maintain a healthy bodyweight. Even if you do not lose enough weight to have a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or less, losing some weight and increasing your activity levels is likely to be beneficial for your health.
Nutrients that can influence fertility
Certain nutrients are known to influence fertility in men. A healthy, balanced and varied diet will help ensure you get a wide variety of nutrients needed for male fertility. It is better to eat a healthy, balanced diet overall rather than just focusing on individual foods.
Selenium - selenium is needed for normal sperm production and development. Including foods such as Brazil nuts, fish, meat, poultry and eggs in the diet should provide enough selenium without the need for supplements.
Zinc - low levels of zinc have also been linked to a low sperm count and reduced testosterone levels. Men can help keep their zinc levels topped up by including meat, dairy products, shellfish (such as oysters), wholegrain cereals and nuts in their diet.
Is there any evidence behind aphrodisiacs?
Not really – but it’s interesting that shellfish like oysters are rich in zinc and selenium that contribute to healthy sperm!

Change your lifestyle habits
Excess alcohol can affect sperm quality. Men should not drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week (one unit is equivalent to half a pint of normal strength lager, or a 25ml measure of spirits, a standard glass [175ml] of wine is around 2 units).
Number of units = strength (ABV) x volume (ml) ÷ 1000 multiply the ABV measured as a percentage by the amount of the drink in ml and divide the result by 1000 For example, to work out the number of units in a pint (568ml) of cider (ABV 5.2%): 5.2 (%) x 568 (ml) ÷ 1,000 = 2.95 units |
It is best to spread your units over the week rather than having one or two heavy drinking sessions.
Other lifestyle factors, such as smoking, can also influence fertility. Smoking has been linked to low sperm count and sperm motility, therefore it’s recommended that you should quit smoking if trying for a baby. It will also help your partner give up if she is a smoker too.
If you’re thinking about trying for a baby, you can find out more useful information for you and your partner by reading our pages on trying for a baby.
Information reviewed September 2018