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Current Members

The British Nutrition Foundation is an independent charity. As a team of nutrition scientists and educators operating since 1967, we collaborate with organisations across the food system to help shape a healthier food environment.


We work with member organisations within the food industry, from food producers, manufacturers, retailers and meal-delivery apps, who have a meaningful and authentic commitment to nutrition.


We believe significant improvements to the food environment can be achieved when executed with organisations and institutions well placed to deliver change at scale.


We aim to challenge and inspire the food industry to transition to a healthier food environment, where healthy and sustainable food and drink options are the easiest choice for consumers.  


Alan Black, Director of Food Systems Transformation, British Nutrition Foundation

Current members:


Sustaining Members

Sustaining members agree to provide a donation to the British Nutrition Foundation for at least three years to support our wider charitable work focussing on consumer education, and engagement with the media, government, schools and health professionals. 

Safeguarding our independence

As a membership organisation, we recognise the importance of safeguarding our independence and protecting our understanding of nutrition science from potential bias.  


Applications for corporate membership require the approval of our Board of Trustees, and all corporate members are required to commit to the British Nutrition Foundation’s Ethical Policy, which sets out our shared commitments to the impartiality of our information and advice.


The British Nutrition Foundation will not accede to any pressure to publish or disseminate information favourable to a particular sector, company, or product, nor will we suppress the publication and dissemination of information because it is unfavourable to a particular company or sector. 


The British Nutrition Foundation will work with government agencies and industry to further its objects, but it is not a lobbying organisation and will not take commercial or political pressures into account when publishing or disseminating information. Our information, advice, educational materials and training are based on the latest evidence base in nutrition science and in other relevant fields of scientific study.