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Pump Priming Award

We know that it is often a struggle to get that first big research grant. To help a university lecturer or postdoctoral researcher/research fellow/research associate working in human nutrition to undertake the pilot work needed to generate data that can be used as the basis of a more substantial grant application, the British Nutrition Foundation is providing the opportunity to apply for a grant of £5000 in 2025. 


These grants have been made possible over the years through the British Nutrition Foundation’s management of the Drummond Memorial Fund, established in memory of the work and contribution of Sir Jack Drummond.


The award

Should the grant be awarded, the successful applicant will be invited to our British Nutrition Foundation's Annual Conference in November 2025 where they will be presented with a certificate (attendance is optional). The winner will also be invited to write an article for the British Nutrition Foundation’s peer reviewed journal Nutrition Bulletin at a later date, detailing how the award supported their research.


Eligibility criteria

The applicant must be a UK-based postdoctoral researcher/research fellow/research associate or lecturer working in the field of human nutrition and within 5 years of starting their first academic appointment following completion of their PhD. Applicants must have completed their PhD prior to the award launch date (10 February 2025). Those who are beyond 5 years of starting their first academic appointment following completion of their PhD but took formal time out during this period for personal reasons (e.g. maternity/paternity/adoption leave; long-term ill-heath) may still be eligible. Such instances will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis and you should contact Emma Rowley ( to discuss eligibility. Eligibility is considered in relation to the launch date of the award (10 February 2025).


As the award is for early-stage researchers, individuals who have been a principal investigator or co-principal investigator on a successful UK Research Council or EU funded grant are not eligible to apply.


The public health relevance, potential impact and novelty of the proposed work will be considered, and preference will be given to studies involving humans (in vivo and ex vivo work) and those focussing on whole foods or diets rather than just supplements. It is a requirement that the funding should be used to obtain pilot data that will lead to the applicant’s first major grant application. The source of funding (British Nutrition Foundation Drummond Memorial Fund) should be acknowledged in any subsequent grant applications and in any publications arising from the work.


The British Nutrition Foundation Drummond Pump Priming grant may be used to fund equipment and consumables required for laboratory work and human studies including test foods, scientific or clinical assays/reagents/equipment (providing quotes for these alongside your application is useful), travel (where this is necessary for data collection) or human subject honoraria.


Applications requesting funding towards salaries, generic IT equipment (e.g. laptops, statistical software) or conference attendance will not be considered.


Funding must not have already been received from elsewhere for the proposed work. In the event that a funding application has been submitted elsewhere (for a UK Research Council, EU funded grant or other funding source) for the proposed work, please state this within the application along with an estimated date by which you will know the outcome.


Selection process

Applications will be reviewed both internally by the British Nutrition Foundation and externally by selected members of our Trustees and Committees (applications will be blinded for shortlisting and judging).


To apply

Please complete the application form below which requires the following information to be detailed: a summary and justification of the planned work, including the background (scientific rationale and public health relevance), study aims and objectives, a description of study methods, timeline, a cost breakdown and an explanation of how the work would feed into a major grant application including information on the proposed funding agency and the grant type (maximum 1500 words for these sections). Applications should be adequately referenced. Alongside this please submit a short CV (maximum 1 page) which will be reviewed for verification of eligibility only. Please also provide a letter of support from your Head of Department.



Completed applications should be sent to Emma Rowley (





The closing date for applications is midnight on 8 June 2025.


Applicants will be notified of the outcome by the end of August 2025.


The award will be presented at an awards ceremony at British Nutrition Foundation Annual Conference in November 2025 in central London (attendance is optional).


The 2024 Pump Priming Award winner: Dr Victoria Norton, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Reading

You can watch a video of Dr Norton talking about her award for her research project 'SCREEN IT: developing a quick dietary fibre screening tool for the UK population' here.


Dr Norton said:

"Fibre is a nutrient of interest due to its well-proven health benefits; however, less than 10% of the UK population meet the 30g per day recommendation. Therefore, overcoming common barriers, such as insufficient intake of fibre-rich foods (e.g., fruits, vegetables, beans, pulses, wholegrains, nuts, seeds) and lack of fibre-related knowledge/awareness is key. In addition, nutritional assessment can be challenging and time consuming; thus, developing a quick and easy fibre screening tool is fundamental. Overall, this project aims to validate a screening tool for the UK population to track fibre consumption habits and initiate diet-related conversations."


Previous winners