What is Nutrition Bulletin?
Nutrition Bulletin provides a unique blend of scientific reviews on aspects of nutrition and news of important or emerging issues in the field of human nutrition.
Its particular focus is the interface between the needs of nutritionists in research, health promotion, policy and teaching, and those working in the food industry.
It is read by researchers and nutritionists working in universities and research institutes; public health nutritionists, dietitians and other health professionals; nutritionists, technologists and others in the food industry; those engaged in higher education including students; and journalists with an interest in nutrition.
Nutrition Bulletin provides a unique blend of scientific reviews on aspects of nutrition and news of important or emerging issues in the field of human nutrition. Its particular focus is the interface between the needs of nutritionists in research, health promotion, policy and teaching, and those working in the food industry.
Anne de la Hunty, Editor, Nutrition Bulletin
Aims and scope
Published quarterly, the Bulletin presents original and comprehensive review articles on diverse aspects of the science and application of nutrition. The scientific quality of the Bulletin is maintained through a stringent editorial policy and through submission of all review articles and original research to a peer review process, which is overseen by an international Editorial Board.
Topics addressed in reviews cover the many and diverse areas that together comprise nutrition science, including:
- the biochemical and physiological basis for the role of various nutrients in the body;
- psychobiological aspects of human nutrition;
- discussion of observational (epidemiological) associations between diet/nutrients and aspects of health;
- the application of nutrition to disease prevention or the particular needs of population sub-groups;
- the impact of methods of food production and processing on the composition of food, and general aspects of nutrition policy and its communication.
In addition, sections feature:
- updates on EU and UK-funded research;
- commentaries on recent government activities;
- brief synopses of recent scientific papers and policy documents.
An underlying theme to many of the subjects considered is their application to decisions made within food production and distribution, and in public health nutrition policy.
Edited by: Anne de la Hunty, Sara Stanner and Judy Buttriss
- Impact factor: 2.7
- 2023 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics)
Online ISSN: 1467-3010
Frequency: Quarterly
Published by: Wiley
Online submission
You can submit papers online throughout the year via Research Exchange.
For further information about Nutrition Bulletin please contact Anne de la Hunty a.delahunty@nutrition.org.uk
Nutrition Bulletin is available from the Wiley website and via Google Scholar and Scopus.
Other Spotlights
Spotlights shine a light on a particular topic by bringing together 4 or 5 recently published articles on that subject.
Some of our recent spotlights include:
Other Virtual Issues
Virtual Issues are a more in-depth look at a broad topic and bring together a range of articles, published recently, along with a specially written editorial which draws out their common themes.
Virtual Issues are available to access for free for 3 months from date of publication.
Some of our recent Virtual Issues include:
- The role of pulses in a healthy, sustainable diet
- Changing the Retail Food Environment
- Vitamin D: 100 years of research - 1922-2022
- Priorities for Nutrition Research in the UK
- Food Labelling
- Food - a fact of life: Celebrating 30 years of food and nutrition education in schools
- Chrono-nutrition - How important is when you eat?
- Nutrition and the Brain: Across the life course
- The microbiome in nutrition and health – role of probiotics and prebiotics
- Portion size and appetite control
- Dietary Fats
- Physical Activity and Nutrition
- Nutrition in the Early Years
- Vitamin D – population requirements, intake and status: implications for health
- Nutrition and Health of Schoolchildren in the UK
- Nutrition During Pregnancy
- Hydration and Health
- Briefing Papers
- Dietary Fibre
Editorial Advisory Board
The Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) meets twice a year. EAB members support the editorial team by providing advice and guidance on the Nutrition Bulletin’s development strategy and operational procedures, as well as actively promoting the journal to potential authors and readers.
- M Adams, Process Innovation Lead, Campden BRI, UK
- Dr M Ashwell, Director, Ashwell Associates, UK
- Professor J Betts, Professor of Metabolic Physiology, University of Bath, UK
- Professor J Blundell, Professor Chair of PsychoBiology, University of Leeds, UK
- Dr B Brands, Senior Scientific Project Manager, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Germany
- Dr V Chachay, Lecturer and Research Academic, University of Queensland, Australia
- Dr C Childs, Lecturer in Nutritional Sciences, University of Southampton, UK
- Dr L Fernandez-Celemin, Director General, European Food Information Council (EUFIC), Belgium
- Professor C Forde, Professor Sensory Science and Eating Behavior, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
- Dr N Fuller, Research Program Leader, University of Sydney, Australia
- Professor A Gallagher, Head of Doctoral College (Coleraine/Magee), Ulster University, UK (Chair)
- Professor M González Gross, Professor of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Professor B Griffin, Professor of Nutritional Metabolism, University of Surrey, UK
- Dr W Hall, Reader in Nutritional Sciences, King’s College London, UK
- Dr K Hassall, Associate Professor in Applied Statistics, University of Warwick, UK
- Dr P Hinnig, Professor of Nutritional Epidemiology, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
- Professor O Kennedy, Teaching and Learning Dean, University of Reading, UK
- Dr A Lake, Professor of Public Health Nutrition, Teesside University, UK
- Dr C Leonard, Consultant Nutritionist, UK
- C MacEvilly, CEO, Airfield Estate, Ireland
- Dr C Matthys, Associate Professor Human Nutrition, KU Leuven, Belgium
- Professor AM Minihane, Professor of Nutrigenetics, Head of Nutrition and Preventive Medicine in Norwich Medical School, Director of Norfolk Institute of Healthy Ageing (NIHA), UK
- Dr P Mitrou, Director of Research Funding and Science External Relations, World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) International, UK
- Dr C Murphy, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University College Dublin, Ireland
- Dr A Nugent, Senior Lecturer, Queens University Belfast, UK and University College Dublin, Ireland
- Dr G Pot, Program Coordinator, Nutrition & Healthcare Alliance, The Netherlands and Visiting Lecturer, King’s College London, UK
- Professor M Reid, Professor/Director of MSc Clinical Applications of Psychology, University of Hull, UK
- Professor HC Schönfeldt, Director of African Research Universities Alliance Centre of Excellence for Food Security, University of Pretoria, South Africa
- Dr J Slavin, Professor, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Minnesota, USA
- Professor G Varela-Moreiras, Professor in Nutrition & Food Sciences, University of San Pablo-CEU, Spain
- Professor Y Wang, University Distinguished Professor Dean, Global Health Institute, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China