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Our values

At the British Nutrition Foundation our vision is simple. We believe that healthy, sustainable diets should be accessible to all.


Enabling a future where everyone has access to a healthy, sustainable diet is challenging and can only be achieved through wide-ranging partnerships where everyone’ voice can be heard.


To ensure we remain focused on delivery of our mission we stay true to our five core values that drive our behaviours and how we work.

  • Purpose – we are focussed on delivering our mission and constantly aiming to learn and improve.
  • Integrity – we are science-led and authentic in our commitment to improve health and wellbeing. We are honest and transparent about our work and how it is funded.
  • Confidence – we aspire to make our voice heard in order make a difference. We respond to the challenges that get in the way of everyone being able to eat healthily and sustainably.
  • Connection – we work collaboratively with a range of stakeholders to deliver our charitable aims and amplify our impact.
  • Openness – we are welcoming and want everybody to feel valued and supported. We communicate honestly and are open to criticism.


We remain committed in our belief that people deserve not only to be food secure, but food and nutrition secure, with healthy, sustainable diets accessible to all.


Elaine Hindal, Chief Executive, British Nutrition Foundation

Equity, diversity and inclusion

At the British Nutrition Foundation, we wholeheartedly embrace the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion as fundamental pillars of our organisation. As a leading UK voice in nutrition, we recognise that promoting health and well-being extends beyond the science of food and requires a commitment to ensuring fair access, representation, and opportunities for all.


Inclusion is the cornerstone of our efforts to foster a welcoming and supportive community. We are more effective when we reflect different perspectives, experiences and skills, and seek views from internal and external stakeholders, our advisors and partners, members of the British Nutrition Foundation and the public. However, we recognise that as an organisation and in nutrition science more broadly, we do not represent fully the range of audiences we need to and are less effective and impactful as a result.


Through our events, publications, and partnerships, we hope that we can create opportunities to share scientific evidence and, bringing together diverse views, build consensus on topical issues.  


Our commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion goes beyond what we do internally. We will collaborate with diverse stakeholders, including policymakers, academics, industry and non-profit organisations, to champion inclusive approaches to food education and scientific research.


By amplifying diverse voices and perspectives, we aim to drive positive change that reflects the needs and aspirations of everyone, and a more equitable and nourished future for generations to come.


We believe in transparency as a cornerstone of our commitment to advancing evidence-based nutrition science and improving public health. Therefore, we are dedicated to fostering an open and honest environment that promotes excellence and trust in nutrition science.

Our five core values:

Purpose – we are focussed on delivering our mission and constantly aiming to learn and improve.

Integrity – we are science-led and authentic in our commitment to improve health and wellbeing. We are honest and transparent about our work and how it is funded.

Confidence – we aspire to make our voice heard in order make a difference. We respond to the challenges that get in the way of everyone being able to eat healthily and sustainably.

Connection – we work collaboratively with a range of stakeholders to deliver our charitable aims and amplify our impact.

Openness – we are welcoming and want everybody to feel valued and supported. We communicate honestly and are open to criticism.