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About us

The British Nutrition Foundation exists to promote health and wellbeing and prevent diet-related ill health through evidence-based nutrition science. 


We provide a bridge between nutrition science, government, industry, education and people, and a conduit to a healthier, more sustainable food environment for all.


Our team of nutrition scientists and education professionals promotes access to the latest evidence-based and trusted nutrition science, so that people have the knowledge, skills and confidence to make positive food, diet and lifestyle choices, and to create a healthier, more sustainable food environment for all.


Our vision is simple. We believe that healthy, sustainable diets should be accessible to all.


Elaine Hindal, Chief Executive, British Nutrition Foundation

What we do

Some of our activities include:

Baby eating broccoli

Champion nutrition science

We are rigorous in our approach to evidence-based nutrition science.


We devise, develop, and disseminate reviews on specific topics, hold roundtable discussions, and are a sounding board for policy development.

Create practical resources

We develop high quality nutrition resources for a range of audiences that support the principles of a healthy, sustainable diet.

Training and events

Delivering high quality training and events via conferences, workshops, webinars, and modular online support

Provide support to teachers

Providing support to food teachers, including teacher training and a wide programme of teaching resources for schools.

More about the British Nutrition Foundation:

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Please note that advice provided on our website about nutrition and health is general in nature. We do not provide any individualised advice on prevention, treatment and management for patients or their family members.