The British Nutrition Foundation exists to promote health and wellbeing and prevent diet-related ill health through evidence-based nutrition science.
We provide a bridge between nutrition science, government, industry, education and people, and a conduit to a healthier, more sustainable food environment for all.
Our team of nutrition scientists and education professionals promotes access to the latest evidence-based and trusted nutrition science, so that people have the knowledge, skills and confidence to make positive food, diet and lifestyle choices, and to create a healthier, more sustainable food environment for all.
Our vision is simple. We believe that healthy, sustainable diets should be accessible to all.
Elaine Hindal, Chief Executive, British Nutrition Foundation
Our Strategy
Health inequalities in United Kingdom are pronounced, and the links between deprivation and poor-quality diets are clear. Put simply, we advocate for change across food systems to create a future where everyone can access a healthy, sustainable diet.
We do this though working together with academics, government, third sector organisations, food industry stakeholders and our members, and also by supporting the consumer knowledge, skills and motivation that can contribute to meaningful and measurable behavioural change.
Our funding comes from: membership subscriptions, grant providing bodies, trusts & other charities, and industry projects that contribute to meaningful change to the food environment.
The British Nutrition Foundation does not lobby or endorse products, nor do we allow commercial or political pressure to influence us when publishing or disseminating information. We safeguard our impartiality through strong governance. Membership of our Board of Trustees, Advisory Committee and Scientific Committee is weighted heavily towards the scientific community, with limited membership from other stakeholder audiences.
The Scientific Committee provides an additional layer of scrutiny to our positions on key issues.
British Nutrition Foundation strategy 2023-28
A future where everyone has a healthy, sustainable diet.
Our ambition is that by 2028, we will have doubled our reach and evidenced our contribution to healthier, more sustainable diets by demonstrating both our impact on the food environment and on consumer knowledge, skills and motivation, and so contribute to changing behaviour.
Annual Report 2023-24
I am delighted to present our Annual Report as Chair of the Board of Trustees and to thank my fellow Trustees for their continued support for the British Nutrition Foundation.
I also extend my thanks to our Advisory Committee, chaired by Professor Janet Cade, and to our Chief Executive, Elaine Hindal and her team, for their commitment to furthering the aims and mission of the Foundation over the past year.
Professor John Mathers, Chair, Board of Trustees, British Nutrition Foundation
British Nutrition Foundation
Report & Accounts 2023-24
Working With Us
As part of our goal to champion nutrition science and scientists, each year the British Nutrition Foundation makes a number of awards:
- The BNF Prize - awarded annually to a person for their outstanding achievement in an area of nutrition over a number of years
- Early Career Scientist Award - to recognise early career nutrition scientists who show great potential to be future leaders in the field
- Pump Priming Award - providing a grant of £5000 to a lecturer or postdoctoral researcher to undertake the pilot work needed to generate data that can be used as the basis of a more substantial grant application
- Community Award - recognises an individual or a group that has undertaken a community initiative to support healthier eating in an underserved group(s) in the UK.
- School Education Awards - rewards excellent work in food and nutrition by students throughout the UK.