We’re making a change! Our usual Healthy Eating Week is being transformed into a month-long event. In September 2025, we’ll be celebrating… Snack-tember!
The aim of Snack-tember is to help children and young people (aged 5-16 years) have healthier snacks.
We’ll be providing information, activity ideas, recipes, posters and other exciting materials to help children and young people explore their current snacking choices, and learn about, make and try new snack options!

Who’s it for?
Children and young people aged 5 – 16 years old and their schools, or the clubs they attend.
We’ll also be having a special focus on young people in the first two years of secondary school. We specifically want to help support young people, at a time when they are developing more independence, to make choices and form healthier habits that will have positive long-term benefits. (We’ll be calling on our secondary school teachers to help us!)
What’s the ambition?
We want:
- to help children and young people make and choose healthy, sustainable snacks
- 6,000 schools to register for Snack-tember
- Over 1 million young people to take part
We will be providing:
- classroom materials for teachers
- hints and tips for school caterers
- information for parents/carers
Who’s involved?
We are delighted to already have the support of Veg Power!
We are seeking sponsorship and support from retailers and caterers. If you are a retailer or caterer and are interested in finding out more, contact Claire:
What’s happened so far?
We conducted The great snack survey in November 2024. Over 2,000 young people aged 10-13 years took part. We gained some great insight into what young people like to eat as a snack, how much they usually spend on buying snacks, and what they think of their snack options at school and in the shops.
We’ll be using this information to help us create our school materials for Snack-tember!
If you would still like to access Healthy Eating Week resources, you are welcome to use our resources from last year, which can be found here.
Those working with children and young people aged 3-16 years may like to use some of the free resources on our education website, Food - a fact of life.