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Connecting people, food and science, for better nutrition and healthier lives.


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Connecting people, food and nutrition science


The science behind your food


Who is the British Nutrition Foundation?

We are a public-facing charity which exists to give people, educators and organisations access to reliable information on nutrition.

Our vision is for a future where everyone has a healthy, sustainable diet.

We advocate science and work with experts across the nutrition and food community to provide impartial, evidence-based information, education and expertise.

Ultimately, we want to change the food environment and motivate people to adopt healthy, sustainable diets – for life.




What are nutrients and why are they important?

Nutrients are the organic substances which are required for regulating body functions.

Following a healthy, balanced diet helps make sure that our bodies get all the nutrients needed to work well from day to day and can also reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer in the longer term.

What are starchy foods?

Starchy foods are foods that are rich in starch which is a type of carbohydrate. This food group includes a variety of types of food such as grains like rice, bulgur wheat, oats, barley and rye.

What is fibre?

Dietary fibre is a term that is used for carbohydrates found naturally in plants that reach the large intestine intact. Fibre helps to keep our digestive system healthy.

What is protein?

Protein is a macronutrient that we need for growth, repair and maintenance in the body, especially for bones and muscles.

What is sugar?

Sugar is a simple carbohydrate. Sugars can come in different forms; they can be naturally occurring like in fruit and milk, or they can be added and used as an ingredient in different foods and drinks.

What is fat?

Fats are an important part of a healthy, balanced diet. We need some fat in our diets., However, too much fat in our diet can be bad for our health.

What are vitamins and minerals?

Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients required by the body in small amounts, for a variety of essential processes. Most vitamins and minerals cannot be made by the body, so need to be provided in the diet.


We remain committed in our belief that people deserve not only to be food secure, but food and nutrition secure, with healthy, sustainable diets accessible to all.


Elaine Hindal, Chief Executive, British Nutrition Foundation

A future where everyone has a healthy, sustainable diet.

We work to help change the food environment through strategic critique, product reformulation, training and advice, and helping corporate nutritionists to make the case for healthier, more sustainable products.

In collaboration with others, we advocate to change the food environment especially in schools and care settings, promoting the importance of nutrition on school attendance and attainment, campaigning for the most vulnerable to have access to free school meals and holiday clubs, and to appropriate nutrition in care homes and in supported living environments.

We educate people directly through marketing and communications campaigns; we work with schools reaching parents, teachers and the wider school community via the Food - a fact of life programme and through our flagship Healthy Eating Week campaign.

We support sector-wide campaigns in collaboration with others,where they are evidence-based.

The reputation of the British Nutrition Foundation is anchored in our scientific expertise and an ability to translate nutrition science for a wide range of audiences.

We continue to advance the study of and research into nutrition for the public benefit, both in our work with schools and through thought-leading content pieces, rapid evidence reviews, the Nutrition Bulletin and our Awards Programme.

Our values

Our Values encompass the beliefs, attitudes and behaviours that are fundamental to the British Nutrition Foundation. We are determined that that these are not just words on a page but are a living, tangible part of our identity as a charity.

Purpose – we are focussed on delivering our mission and constantly aiming to learn and improve.

Integrity – we are science-led and authentic in our commitment to improve health and wellbeing. We are honest and transparent about our work and how it is funded.

Confidence – we aspire to make our voice heard in order make a difference. We respond to the challenges that get in the way of everyone being able to eat healthily and sustainably.

Connection – we work collaboratively with a range of stakeholders to deliver our charitable aims and amplify our impact.

Openness – we are welcoming and want everybody to feel valued and supported. We communicate honestly and are open to criticism.


Working closely with teachers, we aim to make nutrition education an integral part of the learning experience, with age-appropriate materials and resources from primary to secondary education.


Claire Theobald, Education Services Manager, British Nutrition Foundation

Watch our videos...

Eating is not just about 'what' we eat, it's how too!

Nutrition scientists Dr Louise Durrant and Sarah Coe talk about how healthy eating is more than just what we eat.


How to eat well for you and the planet

Dr Simon Steenson discusses the challenges surrounding sustainable diets and how we can begin to move towards more sustainable dietary patterns.


Nutrition and gut health - myths and false promises?

Dr Stacey Lockyer, British Nutrition Foundation, explains the latest knowledge around nutrition and gut health.


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Please note that advice provided on our website about nutrition and health is general in nature. We do not provide any individualised advice on prevention, treatment and management for patients or their family members.